A spiral galaxy generator built with Three.js and lil-gui.
A really simple haunted house scene built with Three.js.
A little experiment regarding the MeshBasicMaterial, Environmental Maps and an interactive GUI using Three.js and lil-gui.
A modern JavaScript app that allows the user to search over 1,000,000 different food recipies. Developed as part of the Complete JS Course by Jonas Schmedtmann.
A simple website for an AI-focused, food-delivery related startup, done as part of Jonas Schmedtmann's HTML and CSS course on Udemy.
A modern-looking UI design for a booking app, using HTML5 and CSS3/SCSS. Built as part of Jonas Schmedtmanns' Advanced HTML and CSS course.
A grid-based landing page done as part of Jonas Schmedtmanns' Advanced HTML5 and CSS3 course.
Un acercamiento más simple (y, en muchos casos, mejor) al desarrollo de aplicaciones web.
Cómo iniciar con el diseño de teclados mecánicos y no morir en el intento.